愛知 一宮の行政書士法人 みらいへ法務事務所 > contact us > About the handling of personal information

About the handling of personal information

About the protection of personal information

The Act on the Protection of Personal Information has been in effect since April 1, Heisei 17.The nationally qualified administrative scrivener has a duty to protect the privacy of customers who have been able to learn from the law of administrative scrivener scrivener, and although the obligation to protect the privacy of customers who have been able to learn about business is strictly imposed, we will inform you about the philosophy and handling of the protection of personal information of the Well Administrative Scrivener Legal Office (hereinafter referred to as the “firm office” in the enforcement of this Act.

Philosophy of personal information protection

We solemnly believe that proper handling and protection of personal information is our “responsibility” and “significance of existence”, and we will thoroughly inform, maintain and manage this philosophy of protecting personal information to all those involved in our professional work and our company.

About the handling of personal information

Collection and use of personal information

a) To collect personal information, the purpose of use is to create a case book based on the Administrative Scrivener Act, etc.
b) To provide request creation documents, materials, etc. to provide shipping and related services from our office, etc.

Personal information that we
have collected and collected personal information will not be provided to third parties except in the following cases:

a) When we obtain the consent of the consultation and the requester in advance.
b) When we introduce or perform duties in the professional business of the partner business to the extent necessary with the consent of the consultation and the requester.
c) When provided in accordance with laws and regulations.

We will take measures to pre
vent unauthorized access, leakage, and loss of personal information from outside the safety management.

If you wis
h to disclose, consult, or correct your own personal information, we will respond at an appropriate time and to a reasonable extent.
If you would like to make a disclosure or correction, please contact us from the following inquiry.In some cases, we may charge you for actual expenses, so please understand that.

In the even
t of a request to stop using personal information or from a requestor, we will stop using our office and providing it to our partner business.
However, please understand that deletion from the case book as stipulated by law cannot be accepted.


The person in charge of the management a
nd operation of this site is managed and operated by administrative scrivener Junmei Ido (Well Administrative Scrivener Legal Office).Accordingly, personal information obtained from this site shall be used by our office and our affiliated business.

Personal inform
ation means specific information from the client, such as company name (sole proprietor name) name, address, place of work, work department, job title, type of job, job number, telephone number, e-mail address, etc.

Inquiries about personal informa
tion Well Administrative Scrivener Legal Office
Personal Information Co
nsultation Desk E-mail From 0586-81-272
6 59-1 Asano Aza Onishi, Ichinomiya City, Aichi Prefecture
