愛知 一宮の行政書士法人 みらいへ法務事務所 > License application work > Flow of construction construction permit application

Flow of construction construction permit application

About the construction industry permit application

When requesting a construction business permit

The Well Administrative Scrivener Legal Office will help you with each procedure by creating documents necessary for construction permits, submitting (partially) public certificates, and obtaining public certificates.

Flow of construction construction permit application

I would like to explain the flow of construction permit applications.It depends on the content of the request.

Consultation on construction permits

I will explain the construction industry permission.
Please feel free to contact us by contactus form or phone.

Check the requirements for obtaining a construction permit

We will explain and confirm the requirements for a construction permit.

Request for construction permit application procedures

Please request it if you do not like the condition of the quotation presentation.We will conduct an interview with the business and explain the necessary documents.(I’ll ask you to start the project fee)

Prepare the necessary documents

You will be required to prepare the necessary documents for applying for a construction permit.

Preparation of construction permit application documents

We will collect the certificate necessary for the application and prepare the application form.After the document is completed, please con
firm and seal it.

Apply for and accept construction work permits

We will apply to the jurisdiction.If there is a correction, we will apply again.
The construction work permit application will be returned to the applicant at a later date.

Construction Permit Notice

About one month after the application, a letter of permission will be mailed with the sub-book.

・ If you request the end of the business year and the management size evaluation application at the same time, it is 115,000 yen.
・ Application actual expenses to the Business Situation Analysis Center will be charged separately.



Contact us

Customer’s Voice

I introduce the voice of the customer who requested it to well administrative scrivener legal office.
This is just a few of the achievements I’ve posted here.We are pleased that we were glad to have requested it from a lot of customers to the well administrative scrivener legal office.

◇Customers applying for construction permits

I visited many times and was able to teach me the details.
I am grateful to have been consulted by a variety of non-administrative scrivener.

It is a business that deals with moral, corporate compliance, personal information, etc., and i think that it is a hard-working business, but i would like to enter between the law and the customer, and ultimately work hard for each other to become a company that can satisfy the customer.

K.S. Techno Ka
to, Inc.

◇Customers who have applied for permission to work in the construction industry and industrial waste collection and transportation

・ You can consult
with us about anything that is difficu
lt , and we can make various proposals for one project .

We want more employees and more professional opinions.
(E.g. Specialists who can do anything about industrial waste or …)

Masanori Nakajima, Represent
ative Director, Onaka Environment Co., Ltd.

We have a lot of customers.Click here for more information
