愛知 一宮の行政書士法人 みらいへ法務事務所 > blog > Nagoya Immigration (update, change…)

Nagoya Immigration (update, change…)

I have applied for 3 renewals of status of residence, 1 change, and 1 application for bringing my child to Japan.
Renewal application is an important application to apply for immigration if permission for 3 years is given.
A change application is an application from a specific activity to study abroad. I have received admission from the vocational school, so I did my best to respond to the sincere desire to study and work in Japan.
Inviting my child to Japan was an application that painfully felt the parents’ desire to live together in Japan, where the mother’s life is stable, income is stable, and the environment and security are good.
By all means, I am praying that all of them will be permitted.
